Sunday 14 November 2010

An Invitation ...

to the leaders of South Holland & Lincolnshire County Councils in view of the lack of response to 4th October communication reprised in the last post

I would like to invite you both, that is with no deputising and no entourage, to meet with me and fellow West Drove South residents to address the under mentioned list of points that, by and large, have been dealt with in such a crass way by staff under your auspices that faith in local government is now non-existent.

John Hayes MP was gracious enough to accept just such an invitation recently and it provided the first REAL forum that residents have been able to say “someone listened”. A key observation that he made was that the building of affordable houses had been undertaken and work carried out without the site being looked at. You may dispute that observation but the fact that it was said by an impartial observer clearly means something which you might choose to dismiss as ‘pandering to a baying mob’, but that was simply not the case.

You have my assurance that, as in the case where Mr Hayes came, there will be no recording and West Drove South residents only will attend. The local press will NOT be briefed before or afterwards by me nor will it be sanctioned or suggested by me through any other party.

1. We would like your reassurance, in person, that the existing 40mph speed limit is safe despite the building of 6 affordable homes (in close proximity to one another designed to accommodate 5 people each)that are set back and obscured from the view of the one track lane travelling from its northerly direction IS SAFE. Mr Hayes passed the observation that it was too high!

2. We would like your reassurance, in person, that the proposed footpath to be built alongside the one track lane will allow the use of twin buggies and wheelchairs throughout without the need to go onto the road to navigate around street furniture, that drainage will remove surface water that currently accumulates at the site, that the path will be FULLY maintained so that at no time of the year will it be necessary for pedestrians to use the roadway. Again Mr Hayes expressed concern at the footpath proposal. Just because it was part of the granting of planning permission doesn’t actually make it right.

3. We would like your reassurance, in person, that the modus operandi of path construction, because of the nature of road width, will be sympathetic to road and pedestrian users who are by and large not convinced as to the necessity of this structure. In particular recognition to be paid to pedestrians walking children to school (or school bus) and back between 0820 and 0900 and 1520 and 1600 – unlike the cavalier manner adopted at the building site for the homes on which matter my complaint was completely ignored! Will you GUARANTEE no road closure of West Drove South at its northern end?

I look forward to an early response in order that a line can be drawn under these issues as soon as possible.

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